Kinship Virtual Webinar Resource- “Selfcare for Super Parents – Taking Care Of You While Taking Care of Your Kinship Child”


Kinship Live Webinar Events are offered at no cost.

Selfcare for Super Parents – Taking Care Of You While Taking Care of Your Kinship Child LIVE Webinar was presented on 12/6/2022 and provides helpful insight on ways in which kinship caregivers can perform selfcare to manage the stress and exertion of their responsibilities. Kinship caregivers are charged with not only taking care of their kinship children, but also taking care of themselves to ensure they provide the best quality of guardianship they can.

This training is an informative resource customized to Kinship Caregivers and Kinship Foster Parents designed to enhance skills, identify resources, and gain confidence in their role as a caregiver. It is our hope that by utilizing this resource, attendees will receive educational and helpful information. However, it is important to note that this resource is not approved for foster parent training credit or CEU’s as attendance is not monitored during the webinar event.

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Kinship Caregivers invest so much of themselves in the children and families they care for. From giving their time and energy, to making sure everyone makes their appointments, to being a strong shoulder for their child’s emotional hurts, kinship caregivers make the needs of their families their top priority. But, this can be hard work-day in and day out. In the midst of a busy schedule, it can be easy to get to the end of the day and have no time or energy left to take care of yourself.

Self-care is essential to being the best parent you can be to your child, and to your own physical health. It is hard to take care of others if you don’t take care of you too. This webinar explores some very practical ways that we can practice good self-care in the midst of a busy schedule.

Presented by: Jennifer Connor Godbey is an Assistant Professor and outpatient clinician at University of Kentucky’s Department of Psychiatry seeing a variety of patients, adults, adolescents and their families.  Over the course of her practice, Jennifer has worked with several types of families including biological, adoptive, kinship, and foster families as they adjust to many types of family and life changes.

She is the lead faculty therapist and supervisor for the Functional Family Therapy Clinic, offering family therapy, supervision and consultation in FFT.  She is certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing) and uses this in regular practice with patients as well as co-facilitates consultation group for EMDR, having practiced this model for 15 years.

As a clinical social work supervisor in KY, she has supervised social work clinicians, students and psychiatry residents.  She has presented in classes and conferences/workshops on topics related to Functional Family Therapy, EMDR, psychotherapy, and clinical supervision to clinicians and providers in multiple settings.  Jenn has been active in Kentucky Society Clinical Social Work for 15 years, serving on the Board in multiple roles, currently as past president.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this webinar and PowerPoint is current as of December 6, 2022. Please be aware that information can change as needed, directed, or required by law or governing institutions.