Kinship Virtual Webinar Resource-“Understanding Medicaid and Your MCO”
Kinship Live Webinar Resource are offered at no cost.
Understanding Medicaid and Your MCO LIVE Webinar Recording and PowerPoint presented on 1.18.2022 to provide an overview of Medicaid services and supports provided by MCO’s.
Understanding Medicaid and MCO’s can be confusing for everyone! In this webinar, Aetna insurance provides guidance in understanding this confusing world of Medicaid and MCO’s, including how they are related and how they are different! Discussion related to benefits that are available to families through Medicaid and the services and supports that are provided by your MCO provider is included.
If you have any questions regarding Medicaid or MCO procedures or the information contained in this PowerPoint, please feel free to reach out to:
Erica Jones
SKY Nurse Coordinator
Aetna Better Health of Kentucky
Disclaimer: The information presented in this webinar and PowerPoint is current as of January 18, 2022. Please be aware that information can change as needed, directed, or required by law or governing institutions.