Medically Complex: Annual 3/9/24 11:00 AM Zoom Session

Pain Management with Kenneth Goldschneider, MD, FAAP This presentation will cover issues connected to managing pain in children who are medically complex. Topics include chronic pain, differences between age groups in managing pain, caregiver effects, and services available.

Medically Complex: Annual 3/9/24 09:00 AM Zoom Session

Feeding Disorders with Jamie Adkins, MS, CCC-SLP This presentation will discuss feeding disorders as they present in medically complex infants and children, including types, causes, and basic treatment strategies. This presentation will also go over signs that a child is struggling with feeding and may need additional or different intervention to address their difficulties.

Medically Complex: Annual 3/8/24 11:00 AM Zoom Session

Child Physical and Sexual Abuse with Jennie C. Green, MD, MSc This session will cover common presentations of child physical and sexual abuse, what to do if there are concerns for physical and/or sexual abuse of children, and typical medical evaluation needs of children presenting with these concerns.

Medically Complex: Annual 3/8/24 09:00 AM Zoom Session

Reactive Attachment Disorder with Stephanie Adamkin Delambre, MS, LPP This presentation will dive deeper into the different Attachment styles and what they look like in different populations. This training aims to help differentiate between insecure attachment styles and a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder. We will discuss the likelihood of a diagnosis of RAD in medically …

Medically Complex: Annual 8/5/23 09:00 AM Zoom Session

Reactive Attachment Disorder with Stephanie Adamkin Delambre, MS, LPP This presentation will dive deeper into the different Attachment styles and what they look like in different populations. This training aims to help differentiate between insecure attachment styles and a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder. We will discuss the likelihood of a diagnosis of RAD in medically …

Medically Complex: Annual 8/4/23 11:00 AM Zoom Session

Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative Overview with Emily Keely & Shannon Parker The Kentucky Strengthening Families (KYSF) Initiative Overview training will highlight the impacts of adversity and trauma experienced during early childhood and explore how positive interactions can help build coping skills. The overarching goal of the KYSF Initiative is to achieve positive outcomes by mitigating …

Medically Complex: Annual 8/4/23 09:00 AM Zoom Session

Child Physical and Sexual Abuse with Jennie C. Green, MD, MSc This session will cover common presentations of child physical and sexual abuse, what to do if there are concerns for physical and/or sexual abuse of children, and typical medical evaluation needs of children presenting with these concerns.