Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group (11/1/22)


ASK-VIP Support Groups are offered at no cost. 

November 1, 2022
6:00 PM-7:00 PM Central

Antoine & Jeremiah Smith-Rouse, Adoptive Parent Facilitators


ASK-VIP Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Groups are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents caring for children with medical complexities. They offer an opportunity to share experiences, questions, resources, and concerns in a safe and compassionate environment. These groups are led by a seasoned foster/adoptive parent facilitator with lived experiences caring for children with medical complexities.     

Create an account or log-in to register for this support group. A reliable internet connection and a smartphone, tablet, or computer with web camera is needed to participate. If there are two adults in the same household that want to participate in this support group, each person must register separately. 

If you have any questions about this support group or how to register, please email or call 859-257-7361.