Fictive Kin 101 (9/26/24 –12/19/24)


KIN VIP Support Groups are offered at no cost.

Meets every Thursday starting September 26 through December 19th at 11:00 AM-12:00 PM via Zoom.

Facilitator: Heather Hall

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Caring for a child that you are not related to is challenging–but when you are taking care of a child that you love, be it a neighbor, a friend’s child, or your child’s friend, suddenly it all makes sense, even if it is still difficult to navigate.  How do you raise someone else’s child? Are there any supports out there for those fictive kin caregivers? What about visits?

In this group, we will explore the challenges of being a fictive kin caregiver and identify resources that are out there while we support each other in our own fictive kin journeys.

Facilitated by Heather Hall, a fictive kin caregiver and an advocate for fictive kin caregivers with Kentucky legislature, this group will provide a supportive, safe space where fictive kin caregivers can come to get answers, find relationships, and hopefully continued support for their journey.