Reactive Attachment Disorder
with Stephanie Adamkin Delambre, MS, LPP
This presentation will dive deeper into the different Attachment styles and what they look like in different populations. This training aims to help differentiate between insecure attachment styles and a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder.
We will discuss the likelihood of a diagnosis of RAD in medically complex children in the foster care system, and ways to protect and stabilize a child’s ability to develop healthy attachments to others.
Module 1 | Click “Zoom Meeting” below to join the Medically Complex: Annual Session 3 |
Lesson 1 | Zoom Meeting 8/5/23 at 9:00 AM-10:30 AM Eastern (8:00 AM-9:30 AM Central) |
Module 2 | Click below to complete a Feedback Form |
Lesson 1 | Medically Complex: Annual Zoom Session 3 "Reactive Attachment Disorder" with Stephanie Adamkin Delambre, MS, LPP (8/5/23) |