Kinship Live Virtual Webinar Training – “Get to Know YOUR Community Resources: Who is Community Action?” (8/27/2024)


Kinship Live Webinar Events are offered at no cost.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time Zone, 1 hour presentation followed by a 30-minute Q & A session

Katlyn Miller, Community Action

Please register by 8/27/2024 at 1:30 PM

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As a part of our growing series on knowing your Community Resources, we want to introduce Kentucky’s Community Action Network. This network is a vital resource of 23 Community Action Agencies. operating in every county of Kentucky, offering a wide range of resources to families throughout the Commonwealth.

In our upcoming webinar, we will discuss how Community Action Agencies are committed to providing life-changing resources that cover various service areas including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing, workforce development, family advocacy, and more. For comprehensive information on local offices, resources, and the impact of the network, you can visit CAK’s website at

We will also highlight the role of Community Action Kentucky (CAK), which represents all 23 Community Action Agencies in Kentucky. CAK’s mission is to build and strengthen the network of Kentucky’s Community Action Agencies by providing ongoing training and support. This helps our network administer vital programs and services efficiently across the Commonwealth. CAK is committed to ensuring our network has access to the latest resources and continually strives for improvement, ensuring network members and their clients have the tools and resources they need.

While the services can differ based on the county, the strength of the Community Action Network lies in its dedication to local-level decision making. This allows for the identification and planning of programs that can be most beneficial to each specific community.

Join us for this informative webinar to learn how Kentucky’s Community Action Network works within the community to instill hope and provide support to many of Kentucky’s families!


About the Trainer:

Katelyn Miller is the Opportunity Lead for Community Action Kentucky.

Katlyn Miller has been an integral part of Community Action Kentucky (CAK) since 2017, serving as the Opportunity Lead. She is responsible for identifying new initiatives and partnerships, managing public communications, and coordinating various events, trainings, and meetings. Her role involves close collaboration with CAK staff and stakeholders, ensuring effective marketing and communication of CAK programs and activities. Katlyn holds a Master’s degree in Leadership Dynamics from Western Kentucky University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Organizational Leadership from Northern Kentucky University.


Please note: Although this LIVE webinar is designed to be an informative, educational, and helpful resource for kinship families caring for relative or fictive kin children, anyone is welcome to attend including foster parents, professionals, students, or community members.

It is our hope that by participating in this LIVE webinar, attendees will receive educational and helpful information. However, it is important to note that this webinar is not approved for foster parent training credit or CEU’s as attendance is not monitored during the webinar event.