Kinship Live Virtual Webinar Training – “Autism Series Part II: The Basics of Behavior and Parenting” (5/7/2024)


Kinship Live Webinar Events are offered at no cost.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time Zone, followed by a 30-minute Q & A session

Katherine Lynch

Please register by 5/7/2024 at 1:30 PM


In part II of our Autism series, we’ll take a more in-depth dive into understanding behavior and learn some tools for parenting autistic youth. Parenting a youth with autism or a spectrum-related diagnosis often looks very different from more traditional parenting styles often used when raising children. Coupled with the trauma that autistic children may have experienced, it can be even more difficult for caregivers to know how to intervene and how to parent.

For many caregivers, the behaviors, reactions, and emotions that are involved with parenting autistic children, can become overwhelming and stressful. In this session, we’ll discuss behaviors associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in children while discussing some practical tips and strategies for parenting autistic spectrum children.


About the Presenter:

Katherine “Kat” Lynch is a doctoral candidate in Special Education at the University of Kentucky, where she is also the Clinical Director of UK’s Center for Applied Behavioral Supports, a free clinic providing behavioral supports to families who are struggling to manage challenging behavior. Over the last 20 years, Kat worked with individuals with autism/autistic individuals of all ages, as a paraeducator, teacher, behavior technician, and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (2010). Kat is a neurodivergent mother of two boys, ages 8 and 3, one neurodivergent and one to-be-determined, respectively.


Please note: Although this LIVE webinar is designed to be an informative, educational, and helpful resource for kinship families caring for relative or fictive kin children, anyone is welcome to attend including foster parents, professionals, students, or community members.

It is our hope that by participating in this LIVE webinar, attendees will receive educational and helpful information. However, it is important to note that this webinar is not approved for foster parent training credit or CEU’s as attendance is not monitored during the webinar event.